To me is a very simple way to not change every time i don’t have wi-fi, have all my songs (My Music and Spotify)in one place or in one sided playlists. My problem is that after i import all my iTunes playlists on Spotify, my iPad ( and a wait to sync a good amount of time ) doesn’t show the tracks, any track, just say No Songs, but off course they are there on iTunes, i know that. Launch iTunes and access the iTunes playlist you desire to import to Spotify. Move your favorite playlists, tracks, albums, and artists from other streaming services and listen to them on TIDAL today. I know there are some tracks greyed out on my laptop, cause Spotify don’t has it, or it shows is a Local file, till here all good. We know the effort you put in to curate the perfect collection. I thought that will happen the same on the iPad since that my again ‘physical’ music is there. Last week, on my laptop, i went to file>import playlists> iTunes. The thing is that all my ‘physical’ tracks that i have in iTunes, i have on spotify stream in a special list i call Spotify backup, wish means when i don’t have a good signal strength i know i could jump to iTunes tab and play. Easily transfer your playlist from any other service such as Spotify, TIDAL, Apple Music, and more, to your.

Select Spotify > the specific playlist > and then Apple Music. Time after time, when i brought a track to add to my iTunes playlist, i go to Spotify and search it to add to a playlist on Spotify. Youll want to start a shift to transfer playlists. Well, obviously i have like 700 tracks on iTunes playlists and about 7000 on Spotify playlists. Mostly i use Spotify with Djay pro on my iPad, however when the wireless is weak in certain places where i play, i go back to iTunes playlists and i play from there.